R5975765 RCVDS05 020997
R5975765 RCVDS05 020997
If there are more than 10 sources connected to the RCVDS05 (max. 20 sources
When selecting a source between 2 and 9, key in the corresponding number with the
numeric keys.
When selecting a source between 10 and 20:
key in the first digit and enter the second digit within two seconds to select the
corresponding source number.
When the second digit is not entered within two seconds, source 1 or 2, corresponding
to the entered digit will be selected.
Example : selecting source 13
Press 1, the display shows :
press 3 within 2 seconds, the display shows :
D.1.2. Source selection on Multiple RCVDS05's.
Use aways two digits to enter your source number.
Example 1 : source 7
Enter "0" and
If there are more than 10 sources connected to the RCVDS05 (max. 20 sources
When selecting a source between 2 and 9, key in the corresponding number with the
numeric keys.
When selecting a source between 10 and 20:
key in the first digit and enter the second digit within two seconds to select the
corresponding source number.
When the second digit is not entered within two seconds, source 1 or 2, corresponding
to the entered digit will be selected.
Example : selecting source 13
Press 1, the display shows :
press 3 within 2 seconds, the display shows :
D.1.2. Source selection on Multiple RCVDS05's.
Use aways two digits to enter your source number.
Example 1 : source 7
Enter "0" and