1. Safety
Warning: Protection from ultraviolet radiation:
Do not look directly in
the light beam. The lamp contained in this product is an intense source of
light and heat. One component of the light emitted from this lamp is ultra-
violet light. Potential eye and skin hazards are present when the lamp is
energized due to ultraviolet radiation. Avoid unnecessary exposure. Pro-
tect yourself and your employees by making them aware of the hazards
and how to protect themselves. Protecting the skin can be accomplished
by wearing tightly woven garments and gloves. Protecting the eyes from
UV can be accomplished by wearing safety glasses that are designed
to provide UV protection. In addition to the UV, the visible light from the
lamp is intense and should also be considered when choosing protective
eye wear.
Exposure to UV radiation:
Some medications are known to make
individuals extra sensitive to UV radiation. The American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) recommends occupational
UV exposure for an-8hour day to be less than 0.1 microwatts per square
centimeters of effective UV radiation. An evaluation of the workplace is
advised to assure employees are not exposed to cumulative radiation
levels exceeding these government guidelines.
Mercury Vapor Warnings:
Keep the following warnings in mind when
using the projector. The lamp used in the projector contains mercury. In
case of a lamp rupture, explosion there will be a mercury vapor emission.
In order to minimize the potential risk of inhaling mercury vapors:
Ensure the projector is installed only in ventilated rooms.
Replace the lamp module before the end of its operational life.
Promptly ventilate the room after a lamp rupture, explosion has oc-
curred, evacuate the room (particularly in case of a pregnant woman).
Seek medical attention if unusual health conditions occur after a lamp
rupture, explosion, such as headache, fatigue, shortness of breath,
chest-tightening coughing or nausea.