Lighting the coals is easy when you know the basics. Keeping the coals close together will help the fire
spread from coal to coal easily so they’re ready to use faster.
Method 1: Lighting the coals with a chimney starter (recommended). First remove the cooking grill.
Step 1. Fill the chimney with charcoal.
Fill the chimney with the appropriate amount of charcoal.
Normally, you will need around 2kg of fuel for the average use.
Step 2. Add some crumpled newspaper or a firelighter and light it.
Add one or two sheets of newspaper, following the instructions on the chimney.
Light the newspaper in several spots. As the newspaper burns in the chamber
below, the flames will light the edges of the charcoal above. Peek through the
vents of the chimney to check if the coals have started and the edges of the coals
have turned gray. If the coals have not started, burn another piece of newspaper.
You can also drizzle the newspaper with cooking oil before lighting so it burns
Step 3. Once you see flames up top, pour out the coals onto the charcoal grate.
After about 10 minutes, you will see the coals starting to glow through the vents
and flames starting to flicker over the top layer of coals. Pour them out into a pile
and wait until the coals are mostly covered in ash and gray in color. Then use
tongs to set the coals out. Spread them out for BBQ cooking
make separate piles
on two sides for roasting. The entire process takes approximately 15 minutes.
Method 2: Lighting the coals with fire lighters.
Step 1. Arrange the coals into a neat mound and insert a few fire lighters.
Piling the coals into a mound or pyramid will help increase coal-to-coal contact
and help the fire spread. Insert three to four fire lighters in between the coals, then
light the fire lighters.
Step 2. Coals are ready when covered with gray ash.
After lighting, the flames will subside, and you will see the edges of the coals turn
gray. Eventually the ash will spread to each briquet. The coals are now ready to
use. Spread them out for BBQ cooking
make separate piles on two sides for
roasting. The entire process takes 10 minute