Cuatro-3 90
Instructions for use
Weather conditions
In order to reduce pollution and any other inconvenience, we advise not fi ring up the
appliance when there is no wind, or in foggy/misty conditions.
Smoke development
Your appliance has been designed to be used with the load/observation door closed.
Should you use it with the door open, under certain circumstances (presence of
mechanical ventilation, draught, differences in barometric pressure) smoke may enter
the room in which the appliance is situated.
Use of the appliance
Your appliance is suitable for periodic use.
The appliance may only be positioned in a place where the location, construction and
activity in the room can accommodate it without danger.
When using the appliance, ensure a good supply of fresh air, particularly if the combus-
tion air is drawn from the room itself. Turn on the fl ue gas fan if the fl ue is fi tted with one.
Spare parts
Any replacement parts must be new, original parts. Use of non-original/reconditioned
parts will invalidate your warranty.
Modifi cation
Do not make modifi cations to your appliance.
Any alteration to your appliance, of whatever nature, will also invalidate your warranty.
Only open the door for fi lling and lighting the appliance and for removing the ash. Keep
the door shut at all other times.
Continuous stoking with the primary air supply open (combustion air
supply slider is right over to the “ + ” position) (air through the grate)
causes a fi ercely white-hot fi re that can damage the grate and other
parts of the appliance.
Increasing the draught in the appliance.
If the fl ue has too much resistance, so that the exhaust gases are not properly disposed
of, one can increase the draught in the appliance.