rev. 4/9/2019
Remove the on/off
switch nut by using
Remove the PCB from
the chassis by removing
the two lower mounting
screws. Let it dangle
to the side, or unplug it
Remove the screw which
mounts the switch to
the chassis. The switch
should come free easily.
The on/off switch ports
are labeled on the back
of the switch. Transfer 1
connection at a time to
avoid confusion. A wiring
diagram is at the end of
this guide for reference.
The wires are secured
in the switch by push-
grip connectors. Insert
a paperclip or straight
pick into a port on the old
switch, which will loosen
the connector’s grip
on the wire and allow
removal. Locate the
correct port on the new
switch and push the wire
in to insert.
PCB mount screws
Pg. 3