Baracoda TagRunners – User Guide v1.1
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Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
How to Read / W
How to Read / W
How to Read / W
How to Read / Write
TAG Memory
TAG Memory
TAG Memory
TAG Memory
All RFID tags have an unique identifier (Tag ID), and some of them have also a non-volatile memory (TAG
Memory) in which it is possible to read and write (with or without security).
: the TAG ID of a RFID tag is different from its TAG MEMORY.
Unlike reading a tag ID, the read / write memory (TAG MEMORY) operation is only possible in real time. As a
consequence, the Host has to be connected the TagRunners. This is the host that sends commands to read /
write in the memory.
During this read/ write operation, the RSL led will be orange (solid). When there is a lack of data exchanges
between the tag and the TagRunners (ie : interrogator), it will emit a “Tic” sound. In that case, approach it to
the tag in order to complete successfully the ‘read / write’ operation.
The different usage mode
The different usage mode
The different usage mode
The different usage mode
Real Time mode
In real time mode, the data is decoded and transmitted to the remote host without any delay. If the reader is
not connected, the data is lost (Status RSL Led: red flash).
Real Time mode with No Data Loss option
If the No Data Loss option is activated and if the reader is not connected or out of Bluetooth range, the reader
will store the data. It can memorise up to 10 000 Tag id and later automatically upload them to the remote host
when a Bluetooth connection is established to the host.
Every data sent to the host must be acknowledged by the host. If the host fails to send an acknowledgement,
the reader will continue to transmit the barcode until the host does send an acknowledgement.
This acknowledgment is disabled in the default settings. It is strongly recommended to set the No Data Loss
mode to ON. This configuration can be set with the BaracodaManager software.
Additionally, this protocol acknowledgment allows an end user to set an audio acknowledgment indicating that
the data has been successfully transmitted to the host.
Batch mode
Datas are always stored in the reader. Once the batch mode is selected, the BCL led (right) emits an orange
flash. In batch mode, the reader can read up to 10 000 Tag id and store them into its non-volatile memory for
later transmission to the host. When the internal memory is full, both Leds will be full orange (no blinking).
To upload datas from the reader, connect it to the host computer via Bluetooth. The BaracodaManager
software is used to configure the location where the datas are sent once the datas are extracted from the
Once connected, the reader will wait for the appropriate command in order to start uploading the datas: this
command can come from the BaracodaManager software. The user has to click on the button “Upload”.
Be aware that with BaracodaManager software, two (2) different ways to upload datas are possible:
To an application window: In this case always double check before starting the upload
procedure that the cursor in your text window is active. Otherwise you will loose all the data
saved into your reader.
To a .txt file (default option). The BaracodaManager software gives you the possibility to
modify the name of the file in which you may want to save the data.
The reader can be configured to automatically reconnect with the BaracodaManager software (v3.35 min).