homogeneous wear craters (free from deep furrows) are obtained on thin layers. This
is a basic condition for the quantification of the wear volume (Vv). Furthermore, the
low abrasiveness of the slurry allows measurements in the range of µm. Because of
the viscosity, the slurry does not spread out on the ball during the grinding process,
but adheres on the grinding trace around the ball. Moreover, it ensures a well-
balanced proportion between lubrication and wear process.
To obtain reproducible and comparable results, it is essential to use a slurry of
constant characteristics. Therefore, it is recommended to use the abrasive slurry wich
is available as consumable supply. This slurry is made by the IST and the quality of
every 50ml-cartridge is tested. A reference layer is provided, so you can check the
quality at any time.
1.4 Place of installation
It would be best to place the device in an air-conditioned room. If this is not possible,
the place of installation should be choosen considering the following aspects:
The climatical conditions should be as constant as possible.
A separate room is advisable.
The device should not be placed close to heat sources (e.g. radiator) or windows
(solar radiation, draught).
The place of installation should not be draughty (e.g. near by a door).
1.5 Handling the abrasive slurry
To preserve the above-named (1.3) properties (viscosity) of the abrasive slurry, the
following should be observed:
Open the cartridge only for short periods of time to fill the pipette with abrasive
slurry (protection against humidity absorption).
Stir up the abrasive slurry with a clean and dry stirring rod.
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