5.1.2 The menus
A menu consists of a list of available menu items
the highlighted one of which is the active menu
item. With the
▲ and ▼
cursor keys you select
the active menu item. ENTER selects the active
menu item and either opens a screen or sub
ESC brings the user back to the previous menu.
5.1.3 Text input
Saving the grinding parameters requires input in plain text. In this case, a text input
field opens.
In the upper field highlighted in white (called text field hereafter), the entered text is
shown. The previous lines show the characters that can be selected. A space is
represented by [ ].
The cursor keys move the cursor through the character fields and select a character by
pressing ENTER. The selected character appears in the text field.
F1 switches between upper and lower case, F2 deletes the last character in the text
F4 (OK) exits text input and the entered text is now available.
ESC and F3 (Cancel) exits text input without saving.
Page 16
Picture 2 : Text input
Picture 1: Menu