Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] • Web:www.bapihvac.com
Specifications subject to change without notice.
rev. 01/25/18
5 of 9
900MHz BACnet Gateway/Receiver
Gateway Network Setup continued...
The Gateway Configurator
Readings screen (Fig 10)
is accessed by clicking the
“Readings” button on the
Main Configurator screen.
This screen displays all of the
readings that the Gateway has
received from the sensors in its
wireless network over the last
10 minutes. Readings taken
more than 10 minutes ago will
fall off the list.
The Readings screen also lets
you edit the sensor description,
BACnet variable names, and
whether the temperature is
reported in degrees Celsius or
You can also modify some items on subsequent readings, along with deleting either a specific record or all records in
the database. In addition, each column heading that is underlined can be clicked to sort the records by the values in
that column.
Sensors Button:
Click to instantly refresh the sensor readings page. The page is refreshed automatically every 30
Delete All Button:
Clicked to delete all readings that are recorded in the gateway.
*Please note that if you click this
button, all configurations (°C/°F, BACnet Names) will be lost.
Exit Button:
Click to return to the Main Configurator Screen.
Delete Link:
Click the “Delete” link within a specific
record to delete it from the Gateway’s database.
Edit Link:
Click the “Edit” link within a specific
record to bring you to the Sensor Record screen for
that sensor. (Fig 11).
(Fig 11)
Clicking the “Edit” link for a record on the Readings
screen opens the Sensor Record screen for that
sensor. This screen lets you change any of the
variables for all subsequent readings for that sensor.
Here is a description of the fields and buttons on the
Sensor Record screen:
Sensors Button:
Click to return to the Readings
Delete All Button:
Click to delete ALL sensor
readings records from the Gateway.
Exit Button:
Click to return to the Gateway
Configurator Main Screen.
Description Field:
Lets you enter a description for
this sensor that will show up in the Sensor Readings
Fig. 10:
Gateway Configurator Readings Screen
Fig. 11:
Sensor Record Screen
Continued on next page...