Picture 7: One Touch Call
Call Mode
select either ‘Digital’ or ‘None’
Call Contact
If you select ‘None’ mode, this option is ignored. If you select digital
mode, it will define the ‘Digital Contact’ to be used.
Call Type
In ‘Digital’ mode, you can choose between ‘Call’ and ‘Quick Text’.
Quick Text
If ‘Quick Text’ has been selected as ‘Call Type’, you will be able to choose
one of the preset SMS within the menu ‘Quick Text’ you have defined
4.4 Menu Item
The menu classifies the functions of the radio and is the interface between the radio and the user. The
menu settings make it easy for the end user to operate on certain functions.
Often not all those menus that are available are really required by the user. Thus in order to ease
operation, you may disable certain menus to your personal requirements. Using ‘Program’ -> ‘Menu’ you
navigate to the corresponding configuration page within the CPS.