10 Troubleshooting
The following troubleshooting tips include some basic instructions for common problems.
10.1 Startup Problems
The following problems are associated with starting up your radios.
The radio won't wake up. While in storage mode, the radio does not operate. All SureCross
radios powered from an
integrated battery ship from the factory in storage mode to conserve the battery. To wake the device, press and hold but-
ton 1 for five seconds. To put any FlexPower
or integrated battery SureCross radio into storage mode, press and hold
button 1 for five seconds. The radio is in storage mode when the LEDs stop blinking, but in some models, the LCD remains
on for an additional minute after the radio enters storage mode. After a device has entered storage mode, you must wait
one minute before waking it.
The sensors are not powered. Many SureCross devices have several switch power outputs for powering sensors. Enable
the power supplies using the I/O point parameters for sensor supply #, supply output voltage, and warm-up time.
The radio seems only partially powered. If your ribbon cable has been unplugged from the radio board, verify the rib-
bon cable is fully seated and that it has been plugged into all pins. It is possible to accidentally plug in the ribbon cable and
miss the top row of pins (shown). When the ribbon cable is plugged in incorrectly, the radio may partially power up, but it
will not be able to communicate to any sensors nor will it communicate with the wireless network.
The radio won't enter binding mode. If you did not disconnect the power before changing the DIP switch positions, you
must cycle power to the device. If you do not cycle power, the device does not register the DIP switch changes. For devi-
ces with an integrated battery, cycle the power by removing the battery for one minute.
10.2 LED Message Codes
Solid or flashing LEDs mean different things depending on whether the device is a Gateway, GatewayPro, Node, or DX85 Remote I/O
Modbus Slave.
Solid green
Gateway, DX85: Power is on
Flashing green
Node: Good radio communication link
Flashing amber
Gateway, DX85: Active Modbus communication
Flashing red
Flashing red
Device error.
If the LCD also reports BAD EE, contact the factory for replacement.
Rev. J
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