5.1 DX80 Node Set-up Menu
When power is applied, the DX80 begins running. The display screen auto loops through the RUN menu and communica-
tion begins between the Gateway and Node(s). Auto looping through the RUN menu is the normal operating mode for all
devices on the wireless network.
From the RUN Menu (or any menu), single-click button 1 to advance through the top-level menus. The device auto display
loops through the menu options if either of the RUN, DINFO, or FCTRY menus are selected. If the device is paused on the
DVCFG or DERR menu options, the display does not auto display loop.
To enter manual scrolling mode, double-click button 2 at the top level menu. Use the instructions shown in the chart below
to navigate the menu system. To return to the top level menus and auto display loop mode, double-click button 2 twice.
Node LCD Timeout: After 15 minutes of inactivity, the LCD screen stops displaying information. Press any button to refresh
the display if the Node has entered this energy-saving mode.
The * before the menu name indicates a top-level menu option. The () indicate submenu items.
When using Rotary Dial Addressing Mode, use the rotary dials to set the Network ID (NID) and Device ID (NADR) at any
time. The left rotary dial sets the Network ID and the right rotary dial sets the Node Address. Once changed, allow five
seconds for the devices to update to the new Network ID.
SureCross DX80 and Performance DX80 Product Manual
www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-3164
Rev. J