Version 1.6 / 02-09-2022
Page 4
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The GUI has implemented several restrictions ensuring that the user cannot accidentally damage the laser
by using wrong operation conditions and the GUI is also obeying the turn-on and turn-off procedures
described in the laser application notes. As an example, the user cannot enable a current not suitable for the
device or cannot enable the laser current if the TEC circuit is not enabled. If the user still tries to enable the
current without enabling the TEC first, a pop-up window will explain the exception.
The hardware also contains a circuit which shorts J1 and J2 to GND. This mechanism is referred to the pin
protection. The pin protection is disabled once the user loaded a component and clicks the load / unload
button. Note that the maximum / and minimum operating conditions as well as the wavelength or box type
can only be changed if the component is unloaded and the pin protection is on.
Note that the GUI cannot ensure that the Lasers are not damaged by ESD or if the cables are not connected
correctly to the fixture / laser.
Quick start:
1. Open the GUI folder and double click
“Bw10RefDesignGUI.bat” .
If the GUI does not start, please check if the Java path is set correctly.
2. Next click
(1) in the COM port selection and select the COM port (2) and click
open port