Software • Upgrade information
Automation PC 810 with GM45 CPU board user's manual V1.28
2.2.2 Possible upgrade problems and software dependencies (for V1.00)
The SDLR firmware can only be updated if an Automation Panel with Automation Panel Link Transceiver
(5DLSDL.1000-01) and Automation Panel Link Receiver (5DLSDL.1000-00) is connected.
Automation Panel Link transceivers (5DLSDL.1000-01) or Automation Panel Link receivers
(5DLSDL.1000-00) with a Firmware version lower than or equal to V00.10 can no longer be com-
bined with Automation Panel Link transceivers (5DLSDL.1000-01) or Automation Panel Link receivers
(5DLSDL.1000-00) with a Firmware higher than or equal to V01.04. Daisy Chain mode is not possible with
such a combination.
If a UPS (e.g. 5AC600.UPSI-00) + battery unit (e.g. 5AC600.UPSB-00) is connected to the system and
operable, then after an upgrade of the MTCX or SDLT you must either disconnect the battery or push the
Power button (to put the system in Standby mode), before executing the required power off/on. If not, the
firmware upgrade will not work because the UPS buffers the system.
The function Legacy Mouse Support and Keyboard Controller Reset is only provided with the combination
of MTCX PX32 V00.12 and MTCX FPGA V00.09 (included in APC810 MTCX upgrade disk V00.05).