1686-001 en/2022-05
The information supplied by the instrument manufacturer specifies
whether the instruments are suited for ultrasonic cleaning.
• Lenses, camera systems, light cables, mirrors, or objects made
of or containing elastic materials (e.g. catheters, respiratory sys-
tem functional parts, flexible endoscopes) are not suitable for
sonication, or are only suitable under certain conditions. The
specifications of the respective manufacturer provide informa-
tion on suitability for ultrasonic cleaning.
• The ultrasound bath is not suitable for cleaning or disinfecting
contact lenses.
• The direct sonication of flammable liquids is not permitted.
Possible side effects/restrictions
• Ultrasound does not disinfect. However, processes such as
chemical disinfection may be accelerated in the ultrasound bath.
• Cavitation erosion can cause surfaces to be mechanically cor-
roded and their coatings to dissolve.
User group
The ultrasound bath may be used by persons who have been quali-
fied and trained for their work, e.g. the reprocessing of instruments.
Pregnancy is not a contraindication for using the ultrasound bath.
Serious incidents must be reported to
BANDELIN electronic GmbH & Co. KG and to the competent author-