Prefixed trademarks are the property of B&D Australia Pty Ltd. B&D Doors & Openers
is a division of B&D Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 25 010 473 971. © 2016 B&D Australia Pty Ltd.
Series 1 Installation Instructions
your representative is
b&d doors office locations
New South Wales
34 Marigold St, Revesby 2212
Phone (02) 9722 5555
17 Oasis Court, Clontarf 4019
Phone (07) 3883 0200
Unit 1/108 Mitchell Rd, Cardiff 2285
Phone (02) 4956 8533
147-153 Canterbury Rd, Kilsyth 3137
Phone (03) 9237 7766
South Australia
23 Frederick Rd, Royal Park 5014
Phone (08) 8440 4747
Western Australia
96 Mulgul Rd, Malaga 6090
Phone (08) 9247 8777
34 Marigold St, Revesby 2212
Phone +61 (0)2 9722 5555
general care of your Firmadoor
Your B&D Firmadoor
has been pre-painted with a silicone modified polyester
formulation, which is one of the best paint films commercially
available today. However, all exposed surfaces require
some attention to guard against the premature onset of
corrosion and any other harmful atmospheric effects. In
our atmosphere there are harmful deposits that gather on
the door surface and if not removed regularly, will seriously
affect the appearance and life of the door.
Washing of the door with clean water and a cloth every 14
days is recommended – particular care should be taken
to clean areas of the door not normally washed by rain,
including the top of the door roll inside the garage.
: In locations where there is likely to be salt in the
air or industrial fallout is severe, more frequent washing is
advisable and additional protection of the surface maybe
Touch-up paint, if required, is available from your B&D dealer.
Your lock does not require special maintenance, however,
if the keyway becomes stiff, the application of powdered
graphite is recommended – do not grease or oil the lock.
The faceplate should be washed with soapy water and
rinsed well. Strong solvents, such as acetone, should not be
used – these will damage the surface.
Do not
disassemble the lock mechanism.
When opening the door, always make sure the key is with
drawn from the lock – if this is not done, the lock mechanism
could be damaged and the key bent or broken.
We suggest you record your full Key letter and Number on
the front of this manual and if replacement keys are required
they can be obtained from your nearest B&D office, simply
by quoting this number. If the keys have been lost and the
number not recorded, it can be found stamped into the
locking arm at the back of the mechanism.
On no account should you use grease or oil in the door
guides or on the nylon woven running strips – the grease
or oil will clog the nylon woven running strip and spoil the
operation of the door. An occasional wipe with a cloth
dampened with mineral turps or methylated spirits, down
the inside of each guide, is very beneficial in removing any
trace of grease or dirt.
After the guides have been cleaned, a silicon spray may be
used in the guides.
WD40 or similar oil based sprays are not silicon and
should not be used.
Care should be taken not to damage the nylon woven
running strip, however, if the nylon woven running strip is cut
or damaged, a lighted match should be used to quickly
seal the ends of the nylon braiding, so as to stop any further
regular maintenance required
B&D recommends that you check the operation of your
at least every six months (more regularly in
extreme environments or frequent use). The effort required
to manually open and to manually close the door should be
about the same (if door has an automatic opener, put into
manual mode before testing door). If the door is difficult to
operate in either direction (up or down) then check:
1) that the nylon woven running strips on each side of the door
have not slipped from the edge and are jamming the door;
2) that the door is running correctly in the guides and the
guides are straight and perpendicular; and
3) that the inside surfaces of the guides are clean and free
of obstructions. (see paragraph on care of nylon woven
running strip)
If you have checked these (and corrected where necessary)
and the door is still difficult to operate, , then your door will
need a service to adjust the spring tension and possibly
other operational parts of the door. This service should only
be carried out by an experienced door technician, using
the correct tools.
If you have an automatic opener fitted to your door, it
is particularly important that you ensure the optimum
operation of the door, otherwise you may reduce the
effective life of the opener.
To keep your door running well, it is recommended that
your door be serviced, by an experienced door technician,
every 12 months (more regularly in extreme environments or
frequent use), or earlier if required.
spring tension
It is natural for springs to lose tension over time. When spring
tension is adjusted or when your door is first installed it is usual
to apply a little more tension than is required for balanced
operation, to allow for the normal “settling in” of the springs.
The B&D Firmadoor
in normal residential use is covered by
a 3 year pro rata warranty on door curtain, 12 months on
surface (excludes salt corrosion), all other parts 12 months,
including lock. For industrial/commercial applications the
door is covered by 12 month warranty.
Warranty conditional on proper care as recommended
above. Full details of the warranty are available from your
nearest B&D office or visit the B&D website
3.0 after installation care