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Corrosive contaminants in the oil may damage the piston and cylinder assembly.
Fill the oil reservoir through the filler cap with mineral oil or sebacate (≥25MPa) before an instrument is
used for the first time. The oil level must be maintained above the lower end of the cylinder, or the gas
will bypass the oil. When field temperatures are extremely cold, fill the reservoir with SAE 10 non-
detergent motor oil or equivalent oil. Maximum sensitivity of the instrument to pressure requires that
the oil be "light" at the time of measurement.
For the instrument to be sensitive, the metal-to-metal interface of its piston and cylinder is designed to
allow for the minor escape of oil past the piston to minimize friction and lubricate the piston. Therefore,
some leakage past the piston is normal and necessary. A moderate escape of oil can be controlled by
adding heavier oil. Excessive leakage or "blowing" of oil past the piston indicates excessive wear of the
assembly and requires replacement of the assembly. If the model and serial numbers of the instrument
are furnished, the piston and cylinder assembly and the weights can be replaced without need for
factory calibration.
Replace hydraulic oil (do not use brake fluid, shock absorber, or transmission fluid) in the reservoir with
mineral oil or sebacate (≥25MPa) when the test fluid or gas (oxygen) will be reactive with the hydraulic
oil. For oxygen gauge test, recommend Baluntech water media deadweight tester.
6.3 Maintenance schedule
Change oil: Every 6 months or as necessary
Change O-ring: Every 6 months or as necessary
Re-calibration: Every 2-5 years