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Do not attempt to substitute common pipe fittings in place of original high pressure fittings used in the plumbing
systems on these instruments. Common pipe fittings are not rated for high operating pressure used in these
instruments, and the use of such fittings will void the warranty and may create a potentially dangerous condition.
Use any fittings, please contact with BALUNTECH in prior.
Always wear safety glasses when operating instrument. A high pressure oil leak can cause permanent eye
Do not attempt to operate the instrument in excess of the maximum pressure noted on the instrument.
"NO SMOKING" signs are to be displayed in laboratories and on laboratory doorways whenever testers are
being used for instrument calibration. Because a leak in the tester's high-pressure line can release an explosive
mist of oil, proper fire extinguishers should be immediately available.
Pre-load the tester's piston with weights before applying pressure to the gauge. Otherwise, shock from the
pressure can dislodge the piston retainer ring, allowing the piston to fly out of the tester at high velocity. The
operator could be seriously injured if standing directly over the instrument.
Spinning the table counterclockwise and failing to load the table with weights before introducing pressure into
the instrument can cause the Table to spin off on some models, and the pressure nut to blow off, allowing the
piston to become a dangerous projectile.
When a tester is used to test a gas or liquid line pressure, connecting tubing and fittings should be rated at a
pressure that is higher than the line pressure.