Balmar Knows How To
Charge Your Batteries
Balmar LLC
15201 39th Avenue NE
Marysville, WA 98271
+1 (360) 435-6100
CDI Electronics LLC
353 James Record Road SW
Huntsville, AL 35824
+1 (256) 772-3829
CDI Electronics designs and manufactures ignition components for
outboard motors and diagnostic software for most Marine Engines. CDI
enjoys relationships with 70 distribution partners around the world. To
Find a CDI distribution partner, visit
Both Balmar and CDI Products are manufactured in our ISO
9000-Certified Factory in Huntsville, Alabama.
Please read carefully. All policies, procedures and instructions are subject
to change. This guide was prepared to provide information and does not
constitute a contract. Balmar reserves the right, without prior notice, to
change, delete, supplement, or otherwise amend at any time the information
and policies contained in this guide.
For the most recent information about Balmar’s products, policies and
instructions please visit,
© 2017 Balmar LLC