Safety Light Curtain
General Safety Notes
The series BLG 4A safety light curtains may be used only for the purpose for which they were
designed. They are used for detecting fingers, hands or bodies in work areas where the operator
is continually subject to high accident risk. This is especially applicable in connection with the
usual hazards caused by machines. The smallest object to be detected must not be smaller than
the detection capability of the selected light curtain.
The devices are classified as ESPE Type 4 per IEC 61496-1 and IEC 61496-2 and may therefore
be used in applications with PLe/SIL 3.
The hazard location must be reachable only through the protection field and going around or
reaching over must be prevented (mechanically if necessary). As long as a person is occupied in
the hazard area, it must not be possible to start the equipment (see operating manual
"Installation requirements").
The light curtains series BLG 4A act indirectly on the hazard source. They offer no protection
against parts which are flung out or around or from radiation or gases. Light-transparent objects
are not detected by the light curtains. These circumstances must absolutely be taken into
account for the risk assessment of the hazard location.
Intense light beaming on the receiver, high electromagnetic noise and air impurities (e.g. dust or
condensed water) may affect the effectiveness of the light curtain.
The units must never used as stepping aids.
Installation and startup are to be performed only by skilled professionals. The
specifications contained in this manual as well as the prevailing standards and
directives must be followed. Skilled specialists are people who are familiar with the
work such as installation and the operation of the product and have the necessary
qualifications for these tasks.
The personnel working in the hazardous area must be trained on how the light curtain
The operating company is responsible for adhering to the prevailing safety and accident preven-
tion regulations in any specific individual case.
The system for stopping the machine must be capable of being electrically controlled.
This controller must be capable of stopping the hazardous machine movement within the
determined run-on time T and in any phase of the process cycle (see operating manual
"Minimum safety distance").
The light curtain must be arranged so that no access to the hazard area is possible without
interrupting the light beams (see operating manual "Installation requirements").
The safety equipment is only useful if it has been correctly installed under observance of the
regulations prescribed by the guidelines.
Proper use
Improper use
Obligations of the
operating company
Correct and safe use
of the safety light