Flight Manual for Gas Balloons of Type NL-STU
Issue 2.0
May 02, 2016
Page 4-7
• It must be possible to pull the pull-up toggle of the inflation aid towards the para-
chute and away from the part of the envelope that is filled with gas!
• The holding belt must lie flat against the envelope and must not be twisted.
• The strain on the holding down patches should be distributed as evenly as possi-
• The envelope and the suspension ropes must not be twisted.
• The envelope must not be pinched by the sand bags when they shift towards the
The bottom end of the parachute line is attached to the extension line and secured by attaching
it to five sand bags or an anchor point. It must be ensured that the sand bags cannot detach
themselves from the extension line.
This means that the parachute can always be opened if necessary during inflation.
4.4.3 Attaching the inflation tube
The inflation tube made of balloon fabric for low inflation pressures up to 20 mbar is fastened to
the inflation socket by means of an elastic fastener. The inflation tube for high inflation pres-
sures up to 12 bar is fastened to the bayonet coupling of the inflation socket. The inflation tube
is routed to the appendix either underneath or over the top of all the suspension ropes lying on
the ground. The inflation socket is then pushed all the way into the appendix. The appendix is
gathered together below the conical section of the inflation socket and firmly pulled together
with an elastic Velcro fastener in order to prevent it slipping downwards and coming out. The
loop of the Velcro fastener opening line is attached to the eyelet in the middle of the appendix
by means of a securing tape. This securing tape with a breaking strength of 50 to 100 N is in-
tended to prevent the Velcro fastener from opening unintentionally. The pull-down line of the
inflation socket is finally pulled through the steel ring on the belt of the lower appendix ring
(Poeschel ring).
Fig. 7:
The hold-down belts
Fig. 8:
Holding down patch
Fig. 9:
The gathered envelope