BVRD Network
Installation Instructions
BVRDNET issue 3
3.3 F
3.3.1 BVRDCIF & BVRDFIF/S LED Indicators
The flashing LEDs on the BVRDCIF and BVRDFIF/S modules
indicate valid reception of data and when the network is
connected correctly will flash regularly at approximately 1Hz.
The LEDs do not indicate the quality of transmission.
3.3.2 Common (Copper and Fibre) Network Fault
• Ensure both the Local & Remote units are set to the same
Network Speed (either 6 or 14 channels).
• Ensure the correct cables are connected between the Remote
unit and the Local Unit.
• Ensure the TX cable from the “remote” unit is connected to
the “local” RX, and the “local” TX is connected to the
“remote” RX.
• It is possible to check the Local Hardware by connecting both
the Interface units to each other, forcing the local unit to
“talk” to itself. This allows the operator to ensure the local
settings are correct.
3.3.3 Copper Network (BVRDCIF) Specific
• Ensure the site cable connections are correct (or consistent if
they do not match the screen printed colour codes) on both
the local and remote BVRDCIF modules.
• Check the site cabling has continuity and no shorts to ground
• Ensure the maximum cable lengths are less than:
300m when using 6 channels,
200m when using 14 channels.