Transforming the Control of Hot Tubs
Manufactured under one or more of these patents. U.S. Patents: 5332944, 5361215, 5550753, 5559720, 5,883,459, 6253227, 6282370, 6590188, 6976052, 6965815, 7030343, 7,417,
834 b2, Canadian Patent: 2342614, Australian patent: 2373248 other patents both foreign and domestic applied for and pending. All material copyright of Balboa Water Group.
Revolution Specifications
System Model
Revolution 60 Hz (BP1500), 50 Hz (BP1600)
Part Numbers
BP1500 (60Hz): 56125-02 4kW 800 Incoloy Element
56126-02 With 4kW Titanium Element
BP1600 (50Hz): 56129-02 3kW 800 Incoloy Element
56130-02 3kW Titanium Element
Topside Panels
TP600 Panel
AX10: One button
AX20: Two button
AX40: Four button
Couplings (nuts and seals included)
Part No. 55911 2” Tailpieces (2-Speed Pump 1)
Part No. 55914 1.5” Tailpieces (2-Speed Pump 1)
TP400 Series Panel
TP400T (Temp, Jets, Light, Aux)
TP400W (Warm, Cool, Light, Jets)
TP400 Series Panel
TP600 Panel
Revolution 60 Hz (BP1500),
50 Hz (BP1600)