To install either wheel set make sure the IQ is on the ground and
right side up. You may need to prop the frame up with the foam
from the packing box to give yourself easier access.
“Wheelbarrow” Wheels
1. Use the 5⁄32” Allen key to unscrew the two bolts next to the
footbar knobs on either side of the frame.
2. Place the bracket on the frame with the wheels facing inward
and the footstrap hole facng up. See Figure N.
3. Re-insert and the tighten bolts. Repeat on the other side.
“Library” Wheels
1. Using the 5/32” Allen key, remove the screws at the bottom
of the frame corresponding to the smaller holes in the library
wheel bracket. See figure O.
2. Install the bracket, replace all screws and tighten.
See Figure P
1. The IQ footbar can be adjusted to four positions.
Two positions are created by installing the footbar in one of
two sets of holes (Figure Q) and another two by reversing the
footbar (Figure R).
2. To install the footbar, loosen the knobs below the footbar on
each side of the frame (see photo).
3. Put the footbar in the desired holes. Re-tighten the knobs.
Do not overtighten or they may break.
FIgure Q
Figure R
Figure O
Remove these two screws
Figure P
Figure N
Remove these two screws and put bracket on.
Footstrap hole