The base frame may have a factory installed hidden “Toy Box”.
If your Base Frame has this feature, once the machine is in the
desired location and setup with the canopy, look under your top
frame rails to locate a plastic zip tie on the underside of your
Toybox. Using scissors or blade, cut this zip tie. This is installed
for shipping, and with it removed allows the lid to open.
Be sure to loosen the Belly Strap fully before trying to open the
lid or ensure it is not attached.
Make sure the PTB is out of the way or raise it up to the high
position and secure with the safety chain. Reposition or remove
any accessories or springs that may be in the way of the opening
Toy Box top.
There are (2) subtle recessed handles in the vinyl, on one side, used
for hand access points. Places your fingers into these openings
and lift the upholstery lid up. There are (2) gas shocks that assist
the lid up at a controlled speed. It will stop opening on its own.
This compartment can be used to store extra loops, handles,
springs, Kuna board, airplane board and other accessories.
To close, make sure others are free and clear before closing, push the
lid down it will take a little force to get it started. Once the lid is about
3” from the frame it will close on its own. Make sure all fingers and
clear when closing. Re-tighten the Belly Strap as desired.
Position your hands on the outside of each slider. Place your
thumb and fore and/or middle fingers over the knobs; spin them
clockwise to lock threads into the tubes. This locks the Trapeze
Bar assembly into position so it does not slide. It is recommended
to always lock BOTH knobs for safety purposes. Spin the knobs
the opposite direction to loosen and move the assembly. Once
you are in the desired location tighten the knobs.
Inspect springs for separations, and replace if needed. Inspect
snaps on springs and make sure the retractors operate smoothly.
Replace them if worn or do not operate freely. Make sure that
there are no indentations on the inside of the hooks.
Inspect all nuts, eyebolts and setscrews for tightness. Tighten or
replace if necessary.
The Canopy tubes are Galvanized steel and are suseptable to
dulling over time. That said the look may change over time but
will not affect the functionality or durability. These tubes can also
wear due to the Slider assembly riding on the tubes creating dirt.
Wipe down the tubes, with a clean rag, solution of mild soap and
water, weekly to prevent build up and to keep the Slider assembly
working smoothly.