Baja Shifter 90 Model SF90 (double-seat): Owner’s Manual Version:1.0 April 2005
Driver Training
Developing your driving skills is an on-going process. Even if you have driven other Buggies, you still need
take time to become familiar with how this BUGGY works. Practice driving this BUGGY in a safe area to
build your skills. Don’t drive on rough terrain surfaces until you’ve gotten accustomed to all the controls on
this BUGGY, and felt comfortable with its size and weight.
No Alcohol or Drugs
Alcohol, drugs and Buggies never mix. Even a small amount of alcohol can impair your ability to operate
your BUGGY safely. Likewise, drugs, even prescribed by your doctor, can be dangerous when you’re
operating your BUGGY. Consult your doctor for the assurance that it is safe to operate your BUGGY after
taking some kind of medication.
Operating this BUGGY without proper instructions could increase your risks of accidents that
could lead to serious injuries, or even death.