collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during
routine maneuvers such as turning and driving on hills or
over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions.
For your safety, understand and follow all the warnings
contained in this owner’s manual and the labels on your
vehicle. Failure to follow these warning can result in
Keep the owner’s manual with your vehicle at all times.”
Failure to follow the age recommendations for this ATV.
Failure to supervise children under 16 on ATV models intended for their use.
Use by children of ATVs that are not recommended for their age can lead to severe
injury or death of the child.
Even though a child may be within the age group for which an ATV is recommended,
he or she may not have the skills, abilities, or judgement needed to operate the ATV
safely and may be involved in a serious accident.
Category Y (Youth Model) ATV. An ATV of appropriate size intended for recreational
use under adult supervision by an operator under age 16. Youth model ATVs can
further be categorized as follows:
Category Y-6+ ATV. A Category Y-6+ ATV is a youth model ATV that is intended for
use by children age 6 or older
Category Y-10+ ATV. A Category Y-10+ ATV is a youth model ATV that is intended for
use by children age 10 or older.
Category Y-12+ ATV. A Category Y-12+ ATV is a youth model ATV that is intended for
use by children age 12 or older.
Category T (Transitional Model) ATV. A Category T ATV is an ATV of appropriate
size that is intended for recreational use by an operator age 14 or older under adult
supervision, or by an operator age 16 or older.