After every 5 hour of use, your clutch will need cleaning and lubrication. If clutch
becomes too dirty or has lack of lubrication, the clutch will have a tendancy to stick. This
will cause the Mini-Bike to want to take off before throttle is applied.
To clean and lubricate clutch, follow the instructions below:
1. Make sure engine is turned off and engine is cool before removing clutch cover.
2. Remove Clutch Cover
3. With compressed air, blow through holes to remove any dust and/or particles.
4. Oil Clutch bearing with a few drops of 30W motor oil
Note: Make sure oil does not get
inside clutch itself.
5. Push Mini bike foreward without starting allowing oil to flow through beaing surface.
6. Re-install clutch cover
Oil Clutch here ONLY
Blow out clutch with compressed
air through large holes
Starting engine with clutch cover removed could be hazardous
Starting engine with clutch cover removed, increases the chance of getting your person
caught in moving components which could result in severe injury.
Never start Mini Bike with clutch cover removed.
Clutch Cover