3 - 5
Jumper Configuration
Jumpers on the SPM set up the module handshaking signals
and baud rate. The SPM is designed to conform to the Elec-
tronics Industries Association (EIA) RS-232C standard. This
standard identifies various interchange signals, signal levels
and pin connections that are available for serial data transmis-
sion. The SPM can monitor or output the signals required for
data exchange between it and Data Communication Equip-
ment (DCE) (e.g., modem) and Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
(e.g., computer). The SPM functions with a DCE device
through a type Z interchange.
For the SPM, the required interchange signals (i.e., handshak-
ing) can be continuously enabled or disabled with on-board
jumpers. This allows setting the SPM to match the DTE device
requirements. The jumper settings depend on the equipment
being used with the SPM. For an explanation of the handshak-
ing signals, or further explanation about the serial port config-
uration, refer to
NOTE: This instruction identifies ALL RS-232C handshaking signals
with respect to the DTE device.
Jumpers JP3 and JP5 are for the Request To Send (RTS) hand-
shaking lines of the RS-232C serial ports: JP3 for port 1 and
JP5 for port 2. These are input lines to the SPM that signal a
request from a DTE device to transfer data. When the SPM is
connected to equipment that does not support the RTS lines,
place a jumper across pins 2 and 3 of JP3 and JP5. This
causes each serial port interface circuit (i.e., ACIA) to be con-
tinuously enabled. For applications requiring the SPM to mon-
itor the RTS signal, these lines can be enabled by placing
Table 3-3. Port Operational Option Switch (S4) Settings
Closed (on)
Open (off)
Binary code
ASCII code
ROM self test during
normal operation
Not allowed
Normal operation
Echo check
Command and reply
checksums used
Command and reply
checksums not used
1. All dipswitch positions are normally CLOSED (ON) when SPM is operating with Bailey Controls