The IMASO11 Analog Output (ASO) module outputs fourteen
analog signals from the INFI 90
OPEN Strategic Process Man-
agement System to process field devices. Control modules (i.e.,
MFP, multifunction processor or MFC, multifunction controller)
use these outputs to control a process.
This instruction explains the analog output module features,
specifications and operation. It details the procedures to set up
and install an analog output module. It explains troubleshooting,
maintenance and module replacement procedures.
The system engineer or technician using the ASO should read
and understand this instruction before installing and operat-
ing the output module. In addition, a complete understanding
of the INFI 90 OPEN system is beneficial to the user.
The IMASO11 Analog Output Module can be used as a direct
replacement of the IMASO01 Analog Output Module.