20 mA set point: This screen indicates the flow rate that
represents 20 mA. An example of the screen is
20-450 GAL perMIN which represents 450 gallons
per minute.
There is also an alarm screen. If an alarm occurs, the alarm an-
nunciator and corresponding alarm code will be displayed prior to
the totalization screen. In addition to the “alarm” annunciator, an
“EC-” and a number will appear to indicate the problem.
Scaled pulse resolution: This screen uses the unit of mea-
sure and the six digit display to show the amount of con-
sumption that one scaled output pulse represents. A “P” is
used to indicate this screen. The example below represents
one pulse as equaling ten gallons.
When an alarm occurs an error code displayed. The key for
each alarm is the first number after the EC. Error codes are listed
below. The XX represents other internal programming numbers.
Sensor Alarm:
Battery Alarm:
Back Flow Overflow
The display will normally be in the totalization mode. The excep-
tion is in the case of an alarm condition. If an alarm occurs, the
alarm screen will automatically be displayed in place of the total-
ization screen. Once the display is activated by the external
magnet the totalization screen will be displayed and the normal
sequence will resume with the alarm condition being shown after
the totalization screen.
To clear the alarm condition apply power (9 Volts) to the black
cable. Positive (+) to the red wire and negative (-) to the black
wire. If these wires are being used to power the 4-20 mA loop
turn the 4-20 mA power off then on again to clear the alarm
screen from this display.
Two minutes after the last activation by the program magnet the
display will automatically return to the totalization screen. If the
display is reactivated after the two minute delay and the alarm
condition still exists the first screen that will be shown is the
alarm screen. Once a time-out occurs at any display step, the
display returns to the totalization screen.
Programming Instructions
System Components:
The RET™ Programmer is an electronic interface circuit used to
program and read the parameters of the Recordall
Transmitter (RET). The RET Programmer is powered by a stan-
dard 9 volt alkaline battery. Connection from the RET Programmer
to the RET is accomplished through a cable assembly and plug
that connects to the RET. The RET Programmer is controlled by a
PC (via a serial port) using a standard straight-through 9-pin
cable. The PC requires a Windows operating system and the
RET Programmer software. The software provides an easy-to-
use graphical interface for setting the parameters for the RET.
Software Installation:
Insert the RET Programmer CD Rom into the drive and run the
Setup Application file.
Press the “OK” button to begin the installation program.
The program will be placed in the C:\Program
Files\Programmer directory unless otherwise specified.
Press the computer icon to continue the installation into the
specified directory.
Press “Continue” on the next screen or change the Program
group designation before proceeding.
If a “version conflict” message is displayed, press “Yes” to
keep the existing file.
Press the “OK” button on the “RET Programmer Setup” dis-
play after the program is installed.
To run the program press the Windows start button and fol-
low the path C:\programs\RET Programmer\RET Programmer.
On the initial setup press “View” on the top title bar and
choose “options”. Use the pull-down menu to select the COM
port that the RET Programmer will be using. Press “OK” after
the selection is made. NOTE: In order to activate the
change in the COM port selection you must exit the RET Pro-
grammer software. To exit the software press the “Exit
Programmer” button or the X on the top corner of the screen
and reinitiate the RET Program. NOTE: All applications used
on the selected COM port must be shut off. Consult the Task
Manager by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys simultaneously
and shut off the appropriate applications.
General Operation:
To program or read an RET, connect the RET Programmer to the RET
via the connector. Connect the RET Programmer 9-pin cable to the
computer serial port and activate the RET Programmer software.
To run the program press the Windows start button and follow
the path C:\programs\RET Programmer\RET Programmer. The RET
Programmer has two main functions as indicated by the two tabs
on the top of the screen.