Installation and operation manual
Version RCM-10/03-e
Return of goods
Page 18/18
9. Return of goods for repair
Please copy, fill in and sign hereafter harmlessness declaration and enclose it for any return
of goods you may send back for repair.
No repair will be performed prior to receiving the harmlessness declaration duly filled and
Harmless declaration
To :
Attn. :
From : __________________________________________________________________
Dept. : __________________________________________________________________
Please note that no repair will be performed prior to receiving of this declaration duly
singed by you!
Please send all parts clean from medium and inform us about possible medium wastes
remaining in the part. For this purpose, please use this form. A security specification sheet
of the medium must accompany this declaration in the following cases: Toxical, dangerous
or objectionable media, or media beloning to any dangerous materials class. We inform you
that uncleaned parts lead to additional costs. Extra clean costs will be charged to you.
Furthermore, we reserve us the right to send the parts back to you for cleaning!
We herewith confirm that the part(s) sent for repair has/have been cleaned and is/are free of
any liquid and/or solid wastes of the medium and/or cleaning medium: Any eventually
remaining wastes are:
dangerous, toxic, etc. – Security specifications are attached
Signature of person in charge:
Name of the person in charge in capital letters: ______________________________________
Date: ______________________________________
Company stamp: