Input/Outputs Menu
Analog Output
This parameter establishes the range of the analog output signal: 0…100% (= full
scale) . The following current ranges are available to you:
Current Output
0…20 mA
4…20 mA
0…10 mA
Analog output active
Analog output passive
When an error message is displayed, the current is set according the
programing of the Alarm Mode below .
When you select
operation, you can signal flow direction via
digital outputs .
Alarm Mode
This parameter configures the behavior of the analog output during alarm
conditions . Three options exist for this parameter: OFF, LOW and HIGH .
: Analog signal is based on flow rate and always within the configured range .
: During alarm conditions, the analog signal will be 2 mA less than the
configured lower range . (only on 4…20 mA range) .
: During alarm conditions, the analog signal will be 2 mA more than the
configured upper range .
For example, if the analog range is 4…20 mA and the alarm mode is set to HIGH,
then during a full scale flow alarm condition, the analog output current will be
22 mA .
Digital Input
Digital input lets you reset totalizers (Remote reset), or interrupt flow measurement (PosZeroReturn) .
• Remote Reset – Clears totalizer T2 (unidirectional)
• Pos Zero Return – Forces flow rate to zero (does not totalize)
Input switching is provided by applying an external potential of 5…30V DC
or by an internal voltage source of 24V DC (Analog output if not used) .
M1000 Main Menu Programming Options
Page 25
January 2018