To run multiple independent locomotives simultaneously, follow the instructions in the PROGRAMMING A LOCOMOTIVE TO
A SPECIFIC ADDRESS section to first assign their addresses. For illustrative purposes, let’s assume you’ve assigned one locomotive
to address 2 and a second to address 4. To begin, press the address 2 button and turn the control dial clockwise to power up the
corresponding locomotive (multiple dial turns required to bring locomotive up to speed). Button 2 will now be lit, indicating that you are
in control of this locomotive.
To aquire the locomotive on address 4, simply press the address 4 button. This button
will now be lit, and the locomotive on address 2 will carry on running at its last speed
and direction setting. To activate locomotive number 4, simply turn the control dial
clockwise. Now locomotive 4 is active, and you can determine its speed and direction
independently of locomotive 2. This process can be repeated for all additional
locomotives you wish to operate at the same time.
If you experience performance issues when operating multiple locomotives or larger scales,
you can use the
Bachmann #44910
E-Z Command
® 5 Amp Power Booster
to increase the track current. This will allow a greater number of
DCC locomotives to operate on your railroad, and is required for operation of O or Large scale trains.
When using the speed control dial to start and stop your locomotive, your
E-Z Command®
system operates your trains with a realistic
acceleration and coasting effect called “Electric Momentum”. Rather than starting or stopping abruptly, the engine will accelerate and slow
more gradually, replicating the characteristics of a prototype train. Make sure to plan carefully when slowing or stopping your locomotive,
giving yourself enough distance to come to a safe stop.
With the potential for multiple trains to operate independently of each other at the same time, the system relies on you to prevent crashes.
To avoid a collision, simply press the STOP button to halt all trains currently in motion (the
STOP button will flash slowly). Trains will resume with the same speed and direction when
the STOP button is pressed for a second time, so it is important that you take appropriate
steps to prevent a crash while you are in the “emergency stop” mode. Though some potential
collisions may require you to physically reorient your trains for a crash to be averted, you
can also send preventative commands to your locomotives, such as adjusting their speed
or direction of travel,
while they are still in “emergency stop” mode
. Once the appropriate
commands have been entered, you can press the STOP button again to resume operation.
If you only require one locomotive to stop, rather than all trains in motion, simply select
the desired locomotive from the address buttons, and press down on the speed control
dial. This will send
the selected locomotive only
into “emergency stop” mode (the speed
indicator will show zero power). While your locomotive is stopped you can change
direction if nessesary to resume operation of this locomotive, and turn the dial clockwise
to bring the locomotive back up to speed.