Dynamis User Guide
Programming an accessory decoder
Please refer to the instructions accompanying the E-Z Command Dynamis accessory
decoder (item number 36-561) or E-Z Track digital turnout or
www.dynamisdcc.com for more information.
How to program locomotive decoder CVs
CVs - ‘Configuration variables’ - are storage slots within the decoder which hold
values to control its performance. Different decoders have a differing selection of
CVs according to their specification. They control many different aspects of the
decoders performance: eg maximum or minimum speed, how the headlights operate
or whether the decoder operates on a DC supply. Refer to the instruction sheets
that came with your decoder or locomotive for details of the features that are on
your particular locomotive’s decoder.
Dynamis has the capability of programming in one of two methods:
Operations Mode
’ (also called ‘Main track programming’) - other locomotives can
be left on the track as the programming instruction is sent to the particular decoder
‘Service Mode
’ makes the entire layout a service track. All decoders present on
the layout will receive the programming instruction. Other locomotives should be
removed from the track if using this method, or the locomotive programmed on an
isolated Service Track. Decoders that do not accept Operations Mode programming
should be programmed on a Service Track. Service mode also allows decoder CV
values to be read: this is possible using the Dynamis ProBox.
Service Mode can be any of the following according to the requirements of the
Direct mode
Paged mode
Register mode
Each with or without programming track power down
Most modern decoders work with Direct mode programming. Dynamis allows any
or all of these methods to be set for a single programming session: adding modes
adds to the time taken to program. Select the programming methods required using
the System menu (see page 18).
Setting of locomotive decoder addresses i
s covered in ‘How to configure the
locomotive roster’ on page 10.