Portable Monitor Bladder Bag Replacement
Instruction 3015-5545 Rev 1
Replacing the Bladder Bag
Remove the tubing connection that connects the T-fitting to the bladder bag. Remove tubing from both connection points
and lay aside.
Remove the old bladder bag by separating the Velcro pieces on the bladder bag from those on the metal chassis.
Ensure that the valve on the new bladder bag is opened properly. Grasp main body and rotate valve body with a clockwise
rotation until fully closed. Then open the valve body one and one half (1.5) full turns counter-clockwise. Also, ensure that
the septum cap is snug.
Figure 3 – Valve Components
Place the supplied Velcro directly on top of the Velcro attached to the inside of the rear panel of chassis (2 places). Remove
the adhesive release paper from the back of the attached Velcro.
Figure 4 – Velcro Placement
Septum Cap
Main Body
Valve Body