MGS-350 Manual
6509-9000 Rev 1
Section 1. Overview
1.1. General Information
The MGS-350 is a state-of-the-art fixed gas detector which can detect a
wide range of different gases. The gas sensors can be used on a stand-
alone basis or integrated into Controls or Building Management Systems
Supported gas types include the following.
Refrigerant gases
All refrigerant gases including: Ammonia, Carbon
Dioxide, Halocarbons - HFCs, HCFCs, CFCs
Methane, LPG, Propane, Butane, and Hydrogen
Toxic gases
Hydrogen Sulfide in sewage treatment, Carbon
Monoxide in parking garages, etc.
Volatile Organic
Acetone, Benzene, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chloroform,
Ethanol, Toluene, Trichloroethylene, etc.
Suitably qualified operators of the unit should be
aware of the regulations and standards applicable to their
industry/country for the operation of this unit. This manual is
only intended as a guide and Bacharach bears no
responsibility for the installation or operation of this unit.
Failure to install and operate the unit in
accordance with these instructions and with industry
guidelines may cause serious injury or death.