MGC 100/200
2.10 Fault Condition Warning
Both instruments are capable of alerting the operator of an internal fault
condition (i.e., a sensor failure or blockage in the infrared path).
If a fault occurs, the instrument’s beeper will sound continuously, and
the following message is displayed until the instrument is switched OFF.
If the fault warning is displayed at any time, then the instrument must
be returned to Bacharach for evaluation.
2.11 Gas Alarm
(MGC 200)
When the detected gas percentage exceeds a predetermined level, the
alarm indicator (Figure 1, Item E)
ashes and the beeper sounds.
The instrument is shipped with the alarm disabled. An operator, how-
ever, can activate the alarm function and set the alarm trip-point using
the optional BACH-COM software.
2.12 Powering Instrument from Charger
Both the MGC 100 and 200 can be continuously powered by the charger
by connecting the charger to the instrument in the following sequence:
1. Switch ON the instrument
the charger attached.
Connecting a charger to an instrument that is switched
OFF causes the instrument to enter its charging mode, which
in turn prevents the instrument from being switched ON.
2. Plug the charger into the appropriate AC wall socket (or 12 VDC when
using the optional in-car charger). Then plug the charger’s output con-
nector into the instrument’s charging socket (Figure 1, Item G).
The instrument will now continuously run, until the charger is removed
and the instrument switched OFF —the monitor will not turn OFF with
the charger attached.