Maria’s Pillow
Are you decorating your first home or want
to add some flair to your family room? Here's
an idea that won’t damage your budget. This
accent pillow can be created by recycling those
forgotten items in your closet!
6. With the right sides of the 15" x 12" strips
together, stitch the three sections together to
form the pillow front piece.
7. Thread the tapestry needle with the ribbon.
Tie a knot in the end of the ribbon. Sewing
long stitches, stitch the ribbon through the
sweater fabric covering the seam. Tie a knot
at the end to secure.
8. Repeat for the other seam.
1. Fuse three 6” x 13” pieces of interfacing
to the wrong side of the sweater fabric
(following the manufacturer's directions).
2. Cut three 5” x 12” strips from the interfaced
section of the sweaters alternating the
colors or the direction of the weave/texture
of the fabric.
3. Then fuse one 16” x 13” piece of
interfacing to the wrong side of the sweater
fabric for the pillow back.
4. Cut one piece 15” x 12” for the pillow back
from the previous interfaced sweater fabric.
5. Thread the Baby Lock Maria sewing
machine with all-purpose thread.
Skill Level: Beginner
• Baby Lock Maria Sewing Machine
• 1 to 3 old sweaters or sweatshirts
• Fusible knit interfacing
• Iron and ironing board
• All-purpose thread to match
• 6 large buttons
• 1/8” ribbon
• Hand needle
• Tapestry needle with large eye
• Stuffing for pillow
• Scissors
• Pins