Using BABI Accessory Devices
BABI Smart Cushion has two accessory products that can either be used together
WITH the mobile phone App. OR the two devices can use be used with the Smart
Cushion WITHOUT the mobile phone App.
WITHOUT THE APP: The device will act as the primary alarm, so when the user
moves away from the vehicle and has left an infant unattended an Audio and
Visual alarm will be raised on this device. The alarm can only be stopped by
removing the infant from their baby seat or manually deactivating the device.
WITH THE APP: In the event that the user has left their mobile phone in the
vehicle with the infant unattended in their car seat an audio and visual alarm is
raised on the device If the alarm is not resolved after 30 seconds an alert
message will be sent to the other preset associated users along with the GPS
coordinates of where the incident occurred.
A Preemptive in car alarm device that plugs in to the 12 Volt
cigarette lighter socket. It can be used with or without the
Babisit mobile phone App with the same function. Babi Safe
is a preemptive alert reminder that will sound an alarm and
display a visual alert when the car engine is switched off and
an infant is present in the baby car seat.
A Portable Key Ring Device which has a different Slightly
different function when used with the App and when used
without the App.