0800 833 538
Safety is our primary concern in the design, manufacture, sale and use of BA Sprayers. BA
Pumps & Sprayers would like to remind you of the safety rules when operating one of our
sprayers or it’s accessories.
Failure to follow these rules can result in severe injury or death. It is essential that everyone
involved in the assembly, operation, transport, maintenance and storage of this equipment
be properly trained in safety.
Read this entire instruction manual together with the installation procedures before
attempting to install or operate the sprayer.
Prior to sprayer usage, all users and operators must have read and fully understood the
contents of this operator’s manual.
Never allow inadequately trained personnel to attach or operate the sprayer.
Be warned of the dangers of loading your UTV or another vehicle in excess of its carrying
It is important to understand that any loads or attachments whether fastened to or
placed on a vehicle or UTV will alter the stability or handling characteristics of that vehicle
or UTV.
Spray tanks or other equipment must be filled only to a level where the gross weight is
within the load limit of the UTV or another vehicle.
Never exceed the load limit capacity of the UTV or another vehicle.
All UTV and trailed equipment tyres should be inflated to manufacturers recommended
operating pressures.
Please note that filling the spray tank and fitting sprayer accessories (eg: Spray booms) to
the UTV may exceed the UTV’s maximum load capacity. Do not exceed the manufactur-
er’s guidelines.
Please note that 1 litre of water is 1 kilogram
The TSX400 sprayer should be securely attached to the tow ball.
Reduce speed when pulling a trailer or trailed application equipment and allow greater
distance for braking.
Never allow anyone to ride on your sprayer or other equipment.
Always follow the instructions in the owner’s vehicle manual for carrying cargo or pulling
a trailer.
Proper maintenance of your UTV or another vehicle in line with manufacturer’s
recommended maintenance procedures is essential. (eg: Brakes and Suspension)
All users of the UTV or other vehicle must be trained and competent in not only operating
the vehicle, but also operating the vehicle when the attachment is being used.
Before applying chemicals, read the SDS (safety data sheet) and label of the chemical
manufacturer or supplier for personal protective equipment and operate as