Appendix C: Patch installation
The Patch installation mechanism is made to fix some small bugs inside the operating system,
without installing a new release of the BSP
The BSP patch is a standard ZIP Archive provided by B-TEK. This archive contains all the files required
to install the patch on the device using the Start procedure. Moreover, to protect the system an
automatic control on the authenticity of the archive is performed before installing the patch.
Obviously, only if the control is passed the patch will be installed.
When to Install the BSP Patch
A new patch should be installed every time the current one on the device is old (this means new
bugs can be fixed on the device operating system).
To know which is the current version installed in a system, the Start application can be used. As
shown in the next picture, this value is displayed simply opening the Information window (left button
under the internal menu).
The BSP Patch is never an upgrade between two BSP images. This is because a new BSP image
already contains all the changes made using the patches previously available, plus more critical
changes and improvements.
Therefore, a BSP image must be considered as a “zero point”
with a higher priority than the BSP
Patch. This means the BSP Patch Installation procedure never replaces the BSP Update procedure