Bischoff & Bischoff GmbH | 13.02.2020
S-ECO 300
| Standard wheelchair
Standard wheelchair |
S-ECO 300
7. Technical data
Max. weight capacity:
125* / 170** kg
Seat width:
370/400/430/460/490/520* /
520/550/580** mm
Seat depth:
420* / 450** mm
Seat height:
Seat angle:
Total width:
Seat width +190 mm
Total length:
990/775 mm (with/without leg rests)
Total height:
870/890/910* / 910** mm
Seat back height:
400 mm
Lower leg length:
300 – 420 mm (continuous)
Seat back angle:
5° (without adjustment)
Food plate angle:
15° (without adjustment)
Knee angle:
115° (without adjustment)
Height of the armrests: 220 mm
Length of the armrests: 340 mm
Unloaded weight:
from 19,0 kg
Frame weight:
10,5 kg
Dimensions when folded: 1010/330/910 mm (L/B/H)
Drive wheels:
24“ x 13/8“ (puncture-proof)
Steering wheels:
ø 200 x 50 mm (puncture-proof)
Frame: Steel
Armrest cushion:
PU foam
Seat and back cover:
Nylon with foam insert
* S-Eco 300 Model 1031
** S-Eco 300 XL Model 1036
8. Transport
You can determine whether or not your wheelchair is approved for use
as a seat in a vehicle for transporting disabled people by referring to
the symbols on the CE sticker on the product:
Wheelchair suitable for use as a seat in a vehicle for
transporting disabled people (fig. A)
Wheelchair not suitable for use as a seat in a vehicle for
transporting disabled people (fig. B)
The wheelchair has also been marked with symbols on the frame which
quickly show you and your transport service provider if it is suitable for
transport in wheelchair accessible vehicles and where the fastening
points are located:
Wheelchair not suitable for use as a seat in a vehicle for
transporting disabled people (fig. C)
Fixation points on the restraint system (fig. D)
All products approved by B+B for use as seats in vehicles are tested
in accordance with ISO 7176-19. The tests in accordance with ISO
7176-19 were performed using restraint systems from AMF-Bruns. The
correct mounting of the restraint system is a prerequisite for the safe
transportation of the products in a vehicle for transporting disabled
people and the basis for the approval.
The restraint systems from AMF-Bruns provide the ideal points for the
provision of restraint force for the purpose of securing the products in
the vehicle for transporting disabled people (known by the German
term „Kraftknoten“, which is defined in the standard DIN 75078-2).
For the purpose of providing restraint in the vehicle for transporting
disabled people (fig. D), the products must only be secured at these
specific points („Kraftknoten“ points). If possible, use a permanently
installed car seat and its belt system. Stow the wheelchair in the
luggage space. The person responsible for the transportation should be
familiar with the current regulations for transportation as well as with
the method of operating the vehicle for transporting disabled people
and the restraint system.
Anchored 4-point restraint systems must be used to secure the