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Onboard Parallel Port
This item allows you to determine the I/O address and the IRQ for the on-
board parallel port. The default settings are adequate and should not give
you any problems. If they do you can try to change them.
Parallel Port Mode
This field allows you to select an operating mode for the onboard parallel
(printer) port. Select Normal, Compatible, or SPP unless you are certain your
hardware and software both support one of the other available modes.
EPP Mode Select
This field allows you to choose the EPP version you want to use. We recom-
mend that you use EPP 1.9 for the best performance but if you do you may
have some connection problems so try setting it to EPP 1.7.
ECP Mode Use DMA
This item allows you to select a DMA channel for the parallel port for use dur-
ing ECP.
Game Port Address
This field allows you to select the I/O address for the onboard game port. The
default is 201.
Midi Port Address
This field allows you to select the I/O address for the onboard MIDI port. The
default is 330.
This field allows you to select the IRQ for the onboard MIDI port. The default
is 10.
Init Display First
This field allows a user, with two graphics cards installed on his system, to select
which graphics card will be activated first: either the PCI graphics card or the
AGP graphics card. If you have only installed one graphics card the BIOS will
automatically detect it and you do not need to set this field.
OnChip USB Controller
This field allows you to enable or disable the onboard USB controller.
USB Keyboard Support
This field should only be enabled if you are using a USB keyboard. If you are not
using this kind of keyboard you should disable it.
Managing The PC BIOS