Appendix B Technical Specifications
Modem Standards
V.90, K56Flex 56Kbps
V.34 (33.6Kbps), V.32bis, V.32, V.23, V.22bis, V.22, V.21
Bell 212A, Bell 103
Modem Data Rates
56Kbps (download speed from Internet Service Provider)
33.6Kbps 300bps
Data Throughput
Up to 115.2Kbps (with compression)
Error Correction
V.42 LAP-M and MNP2-4
Data Compression
V.42bis and MNP5
Fax Modulations
V.17, V.29, V.27ter, Fax Class 1, V21 channel 2 group 3 fax mode
Technical Specifications
This chapter contains the technical specifications of your card. The information may be
more useful for technically inclined users.
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