It is possible to drive multiple machines at once by assigning them the same DMX address. All machines will
do the same thing.
The Blackout button is very important and is automatically activated when the controller is turned on.
When pressed, the Blackout button overrides all control and brings all values back to zero. This means your
fixtures will no longer produce any light and will go into standby mode.
The word 'blackout' is a commonly-used term in the world of entertainment lighting that means standby.
When you press the Blackout button again, the LED will turn off and the Blackout function will deactivate so
that all fixtures are capable of receiving normal commands again.
When the Blackout function is active, you can change settings, adjust parameters, switch presets, and so on.
Any changes you make are shown on the display and indicated by the status LEDs.
The information in this user manual is subject to change at any time without notice.
Version: 1.0
Date of creation and author's initials:31-03-2018 RV
Revision date and author's initials: -