You'll find an explanation of the various functions below:
With this function, you can determine the DMX start address of the device. Set it channel 001, and
the device will respond from DMX channel 1. Set it to channel 003, then the device will respond from DMX
channel 3, etc.
This device is equipped with various DMX channel modes. With this function, you can choose a
concise channel mode if your DMX circle is full and you do not require complete control over the functions. It
is also possible to use the most comprehensive channel mode, which makes more channels available, each
with its own separate function.
The Master-Slave mode is designed to sync multiple devices. A copy of the internal program is sent
to the daisy-chained devices so that each one projects the same effect. The master-slave function works by
means of standard 3-pin XLR cables. The only difference is that the first device in the chain does not receive
DMX input.
PLEASE NOTE: When Slave mode is activated, the device will wait for a signal from the Master device. In
this case, it is not possible to simply select an automatic or sound-controlled mode! To cancel this, select
'NAST' mode in the SLND menu, so the device goes to Master mode. Then, all standalone functions can be
This mode consists of four automatic programs with settings that can be fully adjusted as follows:
Fade: Slow colour fade, where one colour fades into another. Adjustable fade speed.
Show: Music-controlled mode via the built-in microphone with adjustable sensitivity.
Colo: Choose from one of the built-in static colour presets. It's also possible to adjust the dimmer between 0
and 100% after confirming the colour by pressing 'enter'.
Jump: Switch between different colours by skipping from one colour to the next colour preset.
This setting shows if the microphone function is activated or not, which you can see in the display as
ON or OFF.
This mode allows you to determine the sensitivity of the internal microphone. The further the device is
from the speaker, the higher the sensitivity of the microphone needs to be so it can react properly to the
music. The microphone is built to handle high sound pressure levels, but the louder the signal and the higher
the microphone sensitivity level, the more difficulty the device will have detecting the beat of the music.
Experiment with the level of sensitivity and distance/positioning of the device to find the best results.
It is possible to correct the relative colour balance of the three primary colours. This is useful if, for
example, at 100% intensity you notice that one of the primary colours is more dominant than the others. By
adjusting the value lower than 255, the maximum intensity of the dominant primary colour will be reduced.
If the LED display is not in use, it can be de-activated by turning the LED mode OFF. The red symbols
will no longer light up when using the device in a dark environment. Press one of the menu buttons and the
display will light up again and show any relevant information. If the device registers that the menu is not
actively being used, it will automatically turn off within 30 seconds.
This function determines whether the display is shown normally or inverted. If the device is
suspended, the display may be harder to read. This function allows you to rotate it vertically for better
Should the device need cleaning or maintenance, this function can be used to test one or more
devices simultaneously. The device plays a continuous program while the LEDs are used. This way you can
quickly detect any abnormalities or defects. The device will run the program until stopped manually (for
example when the sound-controlled mode is activated.)
If this device is used professionally or rented, it should be regularly maintained and inspected in
between use. The HOUR function shows exactly how long the device has been in use. This amount of time
accumulates over time as long as the device is being used and cannot be manipulated by the user.
The information in this user manual is subject to change at any time without notice.
Version: 1.0
Date of creation and author's initials:24-01-2017 RV
Revision date and author's initials: -