Recommended storage times of frozen food in the freezer
These times vary depending on the type of food. The food that
you freeze can be preserved from 1 to 12 months (minimum at -
Never forget:
When you freeze fresh foods with a 'use by /best
before/best by/' date, you must freeze them before this date
Check that the food was not already frozen. Indeed, frozen
food that has thawed completely must not be re-frozen.
Once defrosted, food should be consumed quickly.
Storage time
Bacon, casseroles, milk
1 month
Bread, ice cream, sausages, pies, prepared shellfish,
oily fish
2 months
Non-oily fish, shellfish, pizza, scones and muffins
3 months
Ham, cakes, biscuits, beef and lamb chops, poultry
4 months
Butter, vegetables (blanched), eggs whole and yolks,
cooked crayfish, minced meat (raw), pork (raw)
6 months
Fruit (dry or in syrup), egg whites, beef (raw), whole
chicken, lamb (raw), fruit cakes
12 months