Reference Section
MultiClamp 700A Theory and Operation, Copyright 2000, 2001 Axon Instruments, Inc.
In I-Clamp mode, the purpose of External Command Sensitivity is to scale a voltage
COMMAND signal into current. For example, 0.4 nA/V means that a 1 Volt step
applied to the COMMAND BNC will appear to the cell as a 0.4 nA step injection of
current. The three Sensitivity settings change as the value of the Current Clamp
Feedback Resistor is changed, since the amount of current that can be injected by the
headstage depends on this resistor. (The maximum current possible with each resistor
is listed in the Gains tab under Current Clamp.)
Additivity of Commands
All command stimuli applied by the MultiClamp 700A are additive. That is, the
external command is algebraically added to Holding, Pulse and Seal Test or Tuning
commands before the sum is applied to the cell.
Command Filter Frequency
Prior to being applied to the cell, the summed commands can be low-pass filtered at a
selectable frequency. The Command Filter Frequency is set in the General tab under
the Options button. The selectable frequency is the –3 dB cutoff frequency of a 4-pole
Bessel filter. Two filter settings are provided for each Channel, one for V-Clamp, the
other for I-Clamp.
This feature is provided because sometimes is desirable to round off the commands
applied to a cell. For example, a large voltage step in V-Clamp mode may produce a
large capacitance transient that cannot be fully compensated by Capacitance
Compensation and which still saturates the amplifier. Lightly filtering the command
signal solves this problem by slowing down the charging of the cell capacitance. The
tradeoff, of course, is that fast kinetic processes in the cell will not be so accurately
resolved. Another application might be to smooth a sine wave stimulus that is
generated by a digital pulse generator. Lower-resolution digital devices may produce
an output composed of distinct steps. By using the command filter, these steps can be
effectively smoothed before the stimulus is applied to the cell.