To toggle a schedule off and on, press the radio button beside the saved schedule. The app will
then display a confirmation message and Gear will flash all LEDs green to confirm that it
received the updated set of instructions.
To delete a schedule long press any schedule entry. The AXIS app will display a popup
message asking to confirm. If the schedule was toggled off, then it will be deleted immediately.
If the schedule was toggled on, then Gear will flash green LEDs to confirm the change on its
end and the app will display a confirmation message.
Schedules are sent through Bluetooth. For Gear to receive a schedule command, the mobile
device must be within Bluetooth range.
Each Gear can only save 25 movements every 7 days. A movement is defined as any time that
Gear moves the shade. For example, 7 days with one open and one close per day equals 14
total movements. (7 days x 2 movements a day). This is regardless of how many actual
schedule entries are created in the AXIS app: all of the 25 allotted movements can go one
"Everyday" schedule or there may be 25 individual lined entries set, each with one movement. It
is up to the user to determine how to best organize their schedules in-app. Ultimately, every
single movement sent to Gear is saved on device within the same schedule manifest.
Schedules are created on one or more mobile device(s) but ultimately are saved directly on
Gear as one single schedule manifest. What this means is that if a single Gear syncs with
several mobile devices and all mobile devices are sending schedules, then they are competing
for the single saved schedule manifest on Gear. Gear only adheres to the last received
schedule packet.
If Phone A sends a schedule for 10 am, and phone B then sends a schedule for 4 pm, then only
the last schedule received by Gear is saved and valid. This is even though phone A still shows a
saved schedule of 10 am.
Currently, there is no way to sync schedules between multiple mobile devices. Gear only
recognizes the last schedule packet sent, regardless of where it came from.